Graph Classification Gaussian Processes via Hodgelet Spectral Features paper | Mathieu Alain, So Takao, Bastian Rieck, Xiaowen Dong, and Emmanuel Noutahi |
Bayesian Optimization over Bounded Domains with Beta Product Kernels paper | Huy Hoang Nguyen, Han Zhou, Matthew B. Blaschko, and Aleksei Tiulpin |
Integration-free kernels for equivariant Gaussian fields with application in dipole moment prediction paper | Tim Steinert, David Ginsbourger, August Smart Lykke-Møller, Ove Christiansen, and Henry Moss |
Distributionally Robust Optimisation with Bayesian Ambiguity Sets paper | Charita Dellaporta, Patrick O'Hara, and Theodoros Damoulas |
Preference-based Multi-Objective Bayesian Optimization with Gradients paper | Joshua Hang Sai Ip, Ankush Chakrabarty, Hideyuki Masui, Ali Mesbah, and Diego Romeres |
Uncertainty Modeling in Graph Neural Networks via Stochastic Differential Equations paper | Richard Bergna, Sergio Calvo Ordoñez, Felix Opolka, Pietro Lio, and José Miguel Hernández-Lobato |
Information Directed Tree Search: Reasoning and Planning with Language Agents paper | Yash Chandak, HyunJi Nam, Allen Nie, Jonathan Lee, and Emma Brunskill |
Convergence Rates of Bayesian Network Policy Gradient for Cooperative Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning paper | Dingyang Chen, Zhenyu Zhang, Xiaolong Kuang, Xinyang Shen, Ozalp Ozer, and Qi Zhang |
Bayesian Outcome Weighted Learning paper | Nikki L. B. Freeman, and Sophia Yazzourh |
NODE-GAMLSS: Interpretable Uncertainty Modelling via Deep Distributional Regression paper | Ananyapam De, Anton Frederik Thielmann, and Benjamin Säfken |
Variational Inference for Interacting Particle Systems with Discrete Latent States paper | Giosue Migliorini, and Padhraic Smyth |
Practical Bayesian Algorithm Execution via Posterior Sampling paper | Chu Xin Cheng, Raul Astudillo, Thomas Desautels, and Yisong Yue |
BALLAST: Bayesian Active Learning with Look-ahead Amendment for Sea-drifter Trajectories paper | Rui-Yang Zhang, Henry Moss, Lachlan Astfalck, Edward Cripps, and David S. Leslie |
GLEAM-AI: Neural Surrogate for Accelerated Epidemic Analytics and Forecasting paper | Mohammadmehdi Zahedi, Dongxia Wu, Jessica T. Davis, Yian Ma, Alessandro Vespignani, Rose Yu, and Matteo Chinazzi |
Active Learning for Affinity Prediction of Antibodies paper | Alexandra Gessner, Sebastian W. Ober, Owen Niall Vickery, Dino Oglic, and Talip Ucar |
Gradient-free variational learning with conditional mixture networks paper | Conor Heins, Hao Wu, Dimitrije Markovic, Alexander Tschantz, Jeff Beck, and Christopher Buckley |
Toward Information Theoretic Active Inverse Reinforcement Learning paper | Ondrej Bajgar, Dewi Sid William Gould, Jonathon Liu, Oliver Newcombe, Rohan Narayan Langford Mitta, and Jack Golden |
Posterior Sampling via Autoregressive Generation paper | Kelly W. Zhang, Tiffany Cai, Hongseok Namkoong, and Daniel Russo |
Amortized Bayesian Workflow (Extended Abstract) paper | Marvin Schmitt, Chengkun LI, Aki Vehtari, Luigi Acerbi, Paul-Christian Bürkner, and Stefan T. Radev |
Efficient Experimentation for Estimation of Continuous and Discrete Conditional Treatment Effects paper | Muhammed Razzak, Panagiotis Tigas, Andrew Jesson, Yarin Gal, and Uri Shalit |
Probabilistic predictions with Fourier neural operators paper | Christopher Bülte, Philipp Scholl, and Gitta Kutyniok |
A Bayesian Approach Towards Crowdsourcing the Truths from LLMs paper | Peiran Yao, Jerin George Mathew, Shehraj Singh, Donatella Firmani, and Denilson Barbosa |
Inverse-Free Sparse Variational Gaussian Processes paper | Stefano Cortinovis, Laurence Aitchison, James Hensman, Stefanos Eleftheriadis, and Mark van der Wilk |
Adjusting Model Size in Continual Gaussian Processes: How Big is Big Enough? paper | Guiomar Pescador-Barrios, Sarah Lucie Filippi, and Mark van der Wilk |
Variational Last Layers for Bayesian Optimization paper | Paul Brunzema, Mikkel Jordahn, John Willes, Sebastian Trimpe, Jasper Snoek, and James Harrison |
A Fast, Robust Elliptical Slice Sampling Method for Truncated Multivariate Normal Distributions paper | Kaiwen Wu, and Jacob R. Gardner |
Out-of-Distribution Detection & Applications With Ablated Learned Temperature Energy paper | Will LeVine, Benjamin Pikus, Jacob Phillips, Berk Norman, Fernando Amat Gil, and Sean M. Hendryx |
Constrained Multi-objective Bayesian Optimization paper | Diantong Li, Fengxue Zhang, Chong Liu, and Yuxin Chen |
MHP-DDP: Multivariate Hawkes Process with Dependent Dirichlet Process paper | Alex Ziyu Jiang, and Abel Rodriguez |
Finding Interior Optimum of Black-box Constrained Objective with Bayesian Optimization paper | Fengxue Zhang, Zejie Zhu, and Yuxin Chen |
Incremental Uncertainty-aware Performance Monitoring with Labeling Intervention paper | Alexander Koebler, Thomas Decker, Ingo Thon, Volker Tresp, and Florian Buettner |
(Implicit) Ensembles of Ensembles: Epistemic Uncertainty Collapse in Large Models paper | Andreas Kirsch |
BOTS: Batch Bayesian Optimization of Extended Thompson Sampling for Severely Episode-Limited RL Settings paper | Karine Karine, Susan Murphy, and Benjamin Marlin |
Two Students: Enabling Uncertainty Quantification in Federated Learning Clients paper | Cristovão Iglesias Jr, Sidney Alves de Outeiro, Claudio Miceli de Farias, and Miodrag Bolic |
Uncertainty Quantification and Calibration for Audio-driven Disease Diagnosis paper | Shubham Kulkarni, Hideaki Watanabe, and Fuminori Homma |
Hi-fi functional priors by learning activations paper | Marcin Sendera, Amin Sorkhei, and Tomasz Kuśmierczyk |
Amortized Decision-Aware Bayesian Experimental Design paper | Daolang Huang, Yujia Guo, Luigi Acerbi, and Samuel Kaski |
Posterior Inferred, Now What? Streamlining Prediction in Bayesian Deep Learning paper | Rui Li, Marcus Klasson, Arno Solin, and Martin Trapp |
Bayesian Nonparametric Learning using the Maximum Mean Discrepancy Measure for Synthetic Data Generation paper | Forough Fazeli-Asl, Michael Minyi Zhang, and Lizhen Lin |
Lightspeed Black-box Bayesian Optimization via Local Score Matching paper | Yakun Wang, Sherman Khoo, and Song Liu |
The role of tail dependence in estimating posterior expectations paper | Nicola Branchini, and Víctor Elvira |
Universal Functional Regression with Neural Operator Flows paper | Yaozhong Shi, Angela F Gao, Zachary E Ross, and Kamyar Azizzadenesheli |
Variational Bayes Gaussian Splatting paper | Toon Van de Maele, Ozan Catal, Alexander Tschantz, Christopher Buckley, and Tim Verbelen |
Efficient Bayesian Additive Regression Models For Microbiome Studies paper | Tinghua Chen, Michelle Pistner Nixon, and Justin D Silverman |
Rethinking Aleatoric and Epistemic Uncertainty paper | Freddie Bickford Smith, Jannik Kossen, Eleanor Trollope, Mark van der Wilk, Adam Foster, and Tom Rainforth |
Big Batch Bayesian Active Learning by Considering Predictive Probabilities paper | Sebastian W. Ober, Samuel Power, Tom Diethe, and Henry Moss |
Variational Inference in Similarity Spaces: A Bayesian Approach to Personalized Federated Learning paper | Pedro H Barros, Fabricio Murai, Amir Houmansadr, Alejandro C. Frery, and Heitor Soares Ramos Filho |
Variational Search Distributions paper | Daniel M. Steinberg, Rafael Oliveira, Cheng Soon Ong, and Edwin V. Bonilla |
Learning to Defer with an Uncertain Rejector via Conformal Prediction paper | Yizirui Fang, and Eric Nalisnick |
Post-Calibration Techniques: Balancing Calibration and Score Distribution Alignment paper | Agathe Fernandes Machado, Arthur Charpentier, Emmanuel Flachaire, Ewen Gallic, and Francois HU |
Uncertainty as a criterion for SOTIF evaluation of deep learning models in autonomous driving systems paper | Ho Suk, and Shiho Kim |
Atomic Layer Deposition Optimization via Targeted Adaptive Design. paper | Marieme Ngom, Carlo Graziani, and Noah Paulson |
Fast, Precise Thompson Sampling for Bayesian Optimization paper | David Sweet |
Scalable Permutation Invariant Multi-Output Gaussian Processes for Cancer Drug Response paper | Leiv Rønneberg, and Vidhi Lalchand |
Bayesian Optimal Experimental Design of Streaming Data Incorporating Machine Learning Generated Synthetic Data paper | Kentaro Hoffman, and Tyler McCormick |
An Information-Theoretic Analysis of Thompson Sampling for Logistic Bandits paper | Amaury Gouverneur, Borja Rodríguez Gálvez, Tobias Oechtering, and Mikael Skoglund |
Decision-Driven Calibration for Cost-Sensitive Uncertainty Quantification paper | Gregory Canal, Vladimir Leung, John J. Guerrerio, Philip Sage, and I-Jeng Wang |
Data-Efficient Variational Mutual Information Estimation via Bayesian Self-Consistency paper | Desi R. Ivanova, Marvin Schmitt, and Stefan T. Radev |
Riemannian Black Box Variational Inference paper | Mykola Lukashchuk, Wouter W. L. Nuijten, Dmitry Bagaev, Ismail Senoz, and Bert de Vries |
Bayesian Optimization for High-dimensional Urban Mobility Problems paper | Seongjin Choi, Sergio Rodriguez, and Carolina Osorio |
Optimizing Detection Time and Specificity: Early Classification of Time Series with Sensitivity Constraint paper | Jiaming Qiu, Ying-Qi Zhao, and Yingye Zheng |
Adaptive Transductive Inference via Sequential Experimental Design with Contextual Retention paper | Tareq Si Salem |
Direct Acquisition Optimization for Low-Budget Active Learning paper | Zhuokai Zhao, Yibo Jiang, and Yuxin Chen |
ROSA: An Optimization Algorithm for Multi-Modal Derivative-Free Functions in High Dimensions paper | Ilija Ilievski, Wenyu Wang, and Christine A. Shoemaker |
A scalable Bayesian continual learning framework for online and sequential decision making paper | Hanwen Xing, and Christopher Yau |
Failure Prediction from Few Expert Demonstrations paper | Anjali Parashar, Kunal Garg, Joseph Zhang, and Chuchu Fan |
Probabilistic Fusion Approach for Robust Battery Prognostics paper | Jokin Alcibar, Ekhi Zugasti, Aitor Aguirre-Ortuzar, and Jose I. Aizpurua |
Spectral structure learning for clinical time series paper | Ivan Lerner, Francis Bach, and Anita Burgun |
Computationally Efficient Laplace Approximations for Neural Networks paper | Swarnali Raha, Kshitij Khare, and Rohit K Patra |
Diff-BBO: Diffusion-Based Inverse Modeling for Black-Box Optimization paper | Dongxia Wu, Nikki Lijing Kuang, Ruijia Niu, Yian Ma, and Rose Yu |
Efficient Modeling of Irregular Time-Series with Stochastic Optimal Control paper | Byoungwoo Park, Hyungi Lee, and Juho Lee |
Scaling Gaussian Processes for Learning Curve Prediction via Latent Kronecker Structure paper | Jihao Andreas Lin, Sebastian Ament, Maximilian Balandat, and Eytan Bakshy |
Gaussian Process Thompson Sampling via Rootfinding paper | Taiwo Adebiyi, Bach Do, and Ruda Zhang |
Gaussian Randomized Exploration for Semi-bandits with Sleeping Arms paper | ZHIMING HUANG, Bingshan Hu, and jianping pan |
Efficient Local Unlearning for Gaussian Processes with Out-of-Distribution Data paper | Juliusz Ziomek, and Ilija Bogunovic |
Latent Spatial Dirichlet Allocation paper | Junsouk Choi, Veerabhadran Baladandayuthapani, and Jian Kang |
Robust Multi-fidelity Bayesian Optimization with Deep Kernel and Partition paper | Fengxue Zhang, Thomas Desautels, and Yuxin Chen |
Learning from Less: Bayesian Neural Networks for Optimization Proxy using Limited Labeled Data paper | Parikshit Pareek, Kaarthik Sundar, Deepjyoti Deka, and Sidhant Misra |
Gaussian Process Conjoint Analysis for Adaptive Marginal Effect Estimation paper | Yehu Chen, Jacob Montgomery, and Roman Garnett |
Recursive Nested Filtering for Efficient Amortized Bayesian Experimental Design paper | Sahel Iqbal, Hany Abdulsamad, Sara Perez-Vieites, Simo Särkkä, and Adrien Corenflos |
Bayesian Rashomon Sets for Model Uncertainty: A critical comparison paper | Aparajithan Venkateswaran, Anirudh Sankar, Arun Chandrasekhar, and Tyler McCormick |
Cold Posterior Effect towards Adversarial Robustness paper | Bruce Rushing, Antonios Alexos, Harrison Espino, Nicholas Cohen, and Pierre Baldi |
Mode Collapse in Variational Deep Gaussian Processes paper | Francisco Javier Sáez-Maldonado, Juan Maroñas, and Daniel Hernández-Lobato |
TR-BEACON: Shedding Light on Efficient Behavior Discovery in High-Dimensional Spaces with Bayesian Novelty Search over Trust Regions paper | Wei-Ting Tang, Ankush Chakrabarty, and Joel Paulson |
Order-Optimal Regret in Distributed Kernel Bandits using Uniform Sampling with Shared Randomness paper | Nikola Pavlovic, Sudeep Salgia, and Qing Zhao |
Stochastic Gradient MCMC for Gaussian Process Inference on Massive Geostatistical Data paper | Mohamed A. Abba, Brian J. Reich, Reetam Majumder, and Brandon Feng |
TP$^2$DP$^2$: A Bayesian Mixture Model of Temporal Point Processes with Determinantal Point Process Prior paper | Yiwei Dong, Shaoxin Ye, Yuwen Cao, Qiyu Han, Hongteng Xu, and Hanfang Yang |
Cost-effective Reduced-Order Modeling via Bayesian Active Learning paper | Amir Hossein Rahmati, Nathan Urban, Byung-Jun Yoon, and Xiaoning Qian |
Improved Depth Estimation of Bayesian Neural Networks paper | Bart van Erp, and Bert de Vries |
Trieste: Efficiently Exploring The Depths of Black-box Functions with TensorFlow paper | Henry Moss, Victor Picheny, Hrvoje Stojic, Sebastian W. Ober, Artem Artemev, Andrei Paleyes, Sattar Vakili, Stratis Markou, Jixiang Qing, Nasrulloh Ratu Bagus Satrio Loka, and Ivo Couckuyt |
Conformalised Conditional Normalising Flows for Joint Prediction Regions in time series paper | Eshant English, and Christoph Lippert |
Had enough of experts? Elicitation and evaluation of Bayesian priors from large language models paper | David Antony Selby, Kai Spriestersbach, Yuichiro Iwashita, Dennis Bappert, Archana Warrier, Sumantrak Mukherjee, Muhammad Nabeel Asim, Koichi Kise, and Sebastian Josef Vollmer |
Preconditioned Crank-Nicolson Algorithms for Wide Bayesian Neural Networks paper | Lucia Pezzetti, Stefano Favaro, and Stefano Peluchetti |
Graph Agnostic Causal Bayesian Optimisation paper | Sumantrak Mukherjee, Mengyan Zhang, Seth Flaxman, and Sebastian Josef Vollmer |
Bayesian Optimization of High-dimensional Outputs with Human Feedback paper | Qing Feng, Zhiyuan Jerry Lin, Yujia Zhang, Benjamin Letham, Jelena Markovic-Voronov, Ryan-Rhys Griffiths, Peter I. Frazier, and Eytan Bakshy |
An Active Learning Performance Model for Parallel Bayesian Calibration of Expensive Simulations paper | Özge Sürer, and Stefan M. Wild |
Using Rashomon Sets for Robust Active Learning paper | Simon Dovan Nguyen, Tyler McCormick, and Kentaro Hoffman |
Lithium-Ion Battery System Health Monitoring and Resistance-Based Fault Analysis from Field Data Using Recursive Spatiotemporal Gaussian Processes paper | Joachim Schaeffer, Eric Lenz, Duncan Gulla, Martin Z. Bazant, Richard Braatz, and Rolf Findeisen |
Ensemble Mashups: A Simple Recipe For Better Bayesian Optimization paper | Anand Ravishankar, Fernando Llorente, Yuanqing Song, and Petar Djuric |
Active Learning for Optimal Minimization of Experimental Characterization Uncertainty paper | Marcus Schwarting, Nathan Seifert, Logan Ward, Ben Blaiszik, Ian Foster, Yuxin Chen, and Kirill Prozument |